Info and


The Kolpinghaus Graz offers school pupils, vocational school pupils, apprentices, students and all those in training and also working people a cozy roof over their heads and also community, educational support, attractive common areas and a variety of full meals. You can find more information about the origins of the Kolpinghaus and its structures under the heading Organization .

Frequently asked 

1What room categories are available?
You can move into single or double rooms with different furnishings. Take a look at the rooms for yourself.
2How does the food at the buffet work?
At the specified meal times, you grab a tray and choose your own food. After your meal in our cozy dining room, return your tray.
3What communal facilities are there?
Quite a large quantity. You can find them all at a glance and well described here.
4Are there any other costs in addition to the rent?
No, there are no additional costs, you only need your own laundry tokens to use the washing machines in the laundry room.
5How long am I contractually bound or can I stay for at most?
This is regulated differently depending on the resident and is precisely regulated in the respective registration documents.
6Are rooms and common areas cleaned?
Yes! Your room will be cleaned once a week. You can find out how and when from your responsible cleaner or on the notice board on your floor. Some of the common areas are cleaned daily, but at least weekly.
7Is internet included?
Yes, it is. You will find a LAN cable connection in your room and free WIFI is also available in the whole house.
8Are the rooms occupied by mixed sexes?
No, they won't. In addition, care is also taken to ensure that young people under the age of 18 have their own areas on each floor.
9Are the rooms furnished?
Yes, all our rooms are furnished. You can find detailed information about the facilities in the individual room types.
10Can I bring my own furniture?
No, not really, or only on a very small scale, because our rooms are all furnished by default. If you have a specific question on this topic, please contact the pedagogical team.
11Can I organize a party in the Kolpinghaus?
Basically yes, of course it depends on what exactly you have in mind. You will receive more detailed information and support from our educational team.
12What rules apply in the Kolpinghaus?
We have our own house rules, which are attached to each registration form and are accepted by submitting the registration form.
13I have an idea or another request - who can I contact?
In addition to the pedagogical team, the secretariat and the management are also at your service. Our head chef is also happy to answer culinary questions. And as a general rule, all employees are there for you and are happy to help!
14Where is the nearest supermarket?
It's just around the corner from us in the direction of Jakominiplatz. You will find a Billa within a 2 minute walk from us. Around Jakominiplatz, which is one tram stop away, you will find many more stores.
15How can the Kolpinghaus be reached by public transport?
The best way to get there is by the tram, which stops practically on our doorstep and connects you to the entire Graz public transport network via Jakominiplatz.
16Do you also have parking spaces?
Yes, but only for your bike. You can only drive into our courtyard to pack and unpack. There is also a short-term parking zone around the Kolpinghaus, which makes parking a car a rather expensive pleasure.
17I am ill, where can I find a doctor?
It is important that you let us know - whether you need support or not. A list of doctors in our area is available in the office and from the pedagogical team.
18Can I have a parcel delivered to me?
You can do that with us too. We accept parcels at our office during our opening hours and will then notify you by email.
19Is someone always available at the Kolpinghaus?
Yes, we have an on-call cell phone: You can always reach someone on 0676/ 30 95 480 to help you in an emergency.
20Where do I have to transfer my monthly rent?
Please transfer to our account at BAWAG - Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft with the IBAN AT61 6000 0000 0184 5642 and the BIC (SWIFT code): B A W A A T W W. The account holder is Kolpinghaus Graz.